When team can easily find the key information they need, it frees them to focus on getting work done. Teams can make better decisions and generate crucial business objectives when they have access to relevant information that is easily accessible.

According to a reports from the marketing research firm Wakefield Research and data analysts Elastic., “Nearly 1 in 5 of the 1,000 U.S. office professionals surveyed ranked “digging for files they need” as the No. 1 problem to to support the future of remote work; another 58% of the office pros said a quick search for files and documents is a “top-three problem.”

Document Profiling and Indexing is the base of the entire Docsvault intelligent information management. It enable you to find what you are looking for with only a keyword.

Document profiling and indexing is the process of tagging documents with values (metadata) to facilitate faster search and retrieval. Docsvault, a document management software allows you to add file and folder ‘profiles’, which are a group of customized fields or indexes. You can customize the profile indexes to match your business document requirements.

For example, scanning an invoice and filling up index fields such as invoice number, date, customer name, amount, etc.

document indexing

Here are few tips to use document profiling and indexing in a smarter way:

  • Create appropriate index fields for free form (user input) text, dates, and numbers
  • Create or import drop-down lists for common labels, such as country, departments, products etc.
  • Inherit index values from the parent folder
  • Allow unique values only to avoid duplicate index values
  • Lock an index value to prevent further edition
  • Define validation rules for index values to ensure the correct format of data
  • Make index values mandatory to reduce human errors and maintain consistent document profiling
  • Add a default value to indexes so new documents have standard values pre-filled
  • Automatically fill up index fields with dynamic values such as current username, date and time, or auto-increment/decrement of numeric, date and time
  • Configure File Name template to automatically name the file being imported and add description or notes based on index values entered
  • Document Relations can be setup between documents with the same index values allowing users to quickly access related documents
  • Index documents using data from an external data source such as ERP, CRM, Accounting and other LOB applications, reducing indexing cycle times and improving data consistency. (This feature is available as the advanced profiles add-on)
  • Documents Profile with index values also assist in the automation of filing and workflows.

By smartly placing indexes you can perform detailed searches and generate meaningful reports. This turns your repository into an efficient search engine and greatly improves your ability to retrieve relevant information very quickly.

Happy Document Indexing!