Remote Office Connection
Thanks to the ever improving internet infrastructure, establishing connectivity between remote offices is easier and more reliable than ever. Docsvault has complete set of connectivity options allowing you to access your central data through your remote office connection either through VPN, web access and/or mobile devices.
What it means for you?
When you want to run a successful business, communication and collaboration is the key. Docsvault allows you to connect all your offices around the world. Connectivity with remote offices means you don’t have to worry about spending money on shipping paper documents or e-mailing electronic documents, while waiting for the person at the other end to respond. This not only helps you share and collaborate better but ultimately offers you maximum employee productivity no matter what corner of the world they are in.
Fast Facts
- Secure all your documents in one centralized location
- Allow remote access to Docsvault repository over secure VPN, Web Browser or Mobile Device connections
- Better connectivity means better productivity