business_processWhat are the three factors that give organizations a competitive advantage over others? Timely market entry, time-to-market reduction and fast cycle time. All these factors are strongly connected to speed. The need for speed in today’s cut-throat environment can’t be stressed enough. Technology is changing at a breakneck speed, new apps are coming daily, collaboration across nations is taking place in real time and the whole world is witnessing a radical revolution. Many companies that were giants in their time are forced to go down if they can’t keep up. So how does modern business survive in today’s time and what is the role of document management software in this scenario?

In this post, we will discuss some major roles played by our document management software, Docsvault in speeding up processes and projects and how organizations can increase their momentum so as to stay in the game.


  • Business Processes

It all starts at the base level. Organizations must run and continually keep a check on their business processes. If they are using outdated technologies, new processes should be designed and aligned with all other processes. Docsvault allows you to digitize and tweak all business processes in your organizations. It comes with many tools that allow you to run audits and helps generate reports that can give you a fair idea of the amount of time each process takes and to weed out bottlenecks in your processes.

  • Integration

All processes are interrelated with each other at varying levels. For instance, HR and accounts, purchase and AP, sales and supply, so on and so forth. Docsvault can be easily integrated with external or third party software so all your documents and processes are neatly integrated with each other and the work can be completed quickly.

  • Set Benchmarks

Whether a process, a team, an operation or staff – every aspect of an organization should have a set benchmark. This helps in evaluation of speed so you can compare your quality, output and speed with other competitors and within your industry. For instance, Project Manager X and Project Manager Y are working with the same type of teams, completing similar tasks and in similar environment. Docsvault allows you to generate task-based reports based on the number of users, documents, revisions, etc. so if X is taking longer than Y to complete a task, it’s all spelled out clearly in the reports. For large organizations with many projects / processes, this feasibility can prove to be godsend.

Docsvault document management system comes with many benefits; speed is just one of them. Users have found it to be especially beneficial for search, sharing and organization. If you think your organization needs to pull up its socks to survive in today’s challenging environment, drop us an email at or call us today and we will be happy to discuss your needs!