Docsvault’s Document Relations simplifies access to related documents filed in different locations

Today your business is up against more challenges than ever and to cope up with that you have to constantly struggle to find the best approach for your workday. Say, you are sitting in your office, when suddenly an email from your director arrives asking for an invoice and other associated documents of a particular client he urgently needs for a meeting. You jump to look in the likely places and do find the invoice in question. There are plenty of documents that you want to get to also but they are in various folders. Now panic sets, you are getting calls from your director as the meeting approaches.

Just think about a tool that helps you make pertinent documents easily accessible which ultimately saves time on search and retrieval. Thankfully, this can be achieved by using Docsvault’s intelligent Document Relations feature.

An automatic email and popup notification can be sent to the related team members on form submissions. This ensures that the work is completed at the right time, by the right person thus giving full insight and tractability into your business processes.

There are various types of documents in large number such as client’s contracts, invoices, project work, reference guides, purchase order, sales order, forms etc. However, with Docsvault’s flexible and agile approach you can organize and relate your documents in the most efficient way to ensure modern DMS implementation.

So it is no surprise then, that setting up ‘document relations’ in Docsvault has many benefits like:

  • Instantly access reference to all associated documents
  • Save time on locating several documents stored in different folders and cabinets
  • Improve work efficiency
  • Avoid costly mistakes by having relevant information at hand always

To learn more, read Document Relations.